

大学提供 在线理学学士(B.S.计算机科学 that provides students with a solid foundation for a career in computing 和 related areas.

学生 begin with a core sequence of courses that develops the 程序ming 和 analytical foundation needed for delving into advanced study in the many areas of computing. Upper-level courses focus on an in-depth underst和ing of important areas of computing, including courses in both foundational 和 emerging areas. Courses in foundational areas taken by all CS majors include 程序ming in a variety of 程序ming languages, 数据结构, 算法, 离散数学, 程序设计语言理论, 软件设计. Additional foundational courses are taken within one of the concentrations of the major. Courses in emerging 和 applied areas include data science, 机器学习, 计算机图形学, 人工智能, 数据库编程, 计算机网络, 网络编程, Unix / Linux管理, 网络安全, 移动计算.

学生 select their electives to satisfy at least one of the concentrations within the major. All concentrations develop skills 和 knowledge in the core computer science areas of 程序ming, 算法, 解决问题, 和 underst和ing how computing hardware 和 software works. 的 different concentrations each focus on a particular area of computer science for more in-depth study.

  • 计算机科学方向 builds more in-depth skills 和 knowledge in 算法 和 数据结构, 和 systems 程序ming. 的se courses prepare students for positions which develop systems-level software or software requiring careful optimizing for efficiency. This concentration also prepares students who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. 在计算机科学领域. 的 skills 和 knowledge in the concentration are fundamental to computer science 和 can be applied across other areas of computer science.
  • 数据科学bc菠菜导航 builds skills 和 knowledge related to data analysis, including dealing with large datasets 和 various data formats, 将机器学习工具应用于数据集, 在数据库中存储数据, 以及数据分析和结果的用户界面. 的 concentration prepares students for a career in data science or related areas.
  • 信息科学bc菠菜导航 builds skills 和 knowledge in administration 和 development in areas that are in dem和 across all types of organizations - database 和 data management, 网络编程, 安全, 以及系统管理. 的 concentration prepares students for careers in any of these areas.

Advisors work with students in the selection of their courses prior to registration each semester. 教师 stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the ever-changing world of computing 和 provide contemporary 和 relevant experiences to their students.

Opportunities are available for undergraduate research 在计算机科学领域. 除了, students prepare projects that provide h和s-on experience relating to real-world applications, 和 students are encouraged to get additional experience through internships, which are available at companies throughout the country. 学生 majoring 在计算机科学领域 can join 和 participate in the activities of the student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

的 程序 can be completed in four years (full time) if the student follows this 学习计划. 学生也可以选择兼职学习. Previously earned 大学 credit can be applied toward completion of the 程序 per these 转移的指导方针.

的 Computer Science Program is open to eligible students in the U.S. (包括哥伦比亚特区和所有的美国.S. 领土). 的 程序 also is open to students in Canada (all provinces). 这个程序是 关闭 居住在美国以外国家的学生.S. 和加拿大,除了美国.S. military 和 State 部门 personnel 和 their family members with APO/FPO addresses.



为学生准备的挑战, computer science is an exciting 和 dynamic discipline that can lead to excellent job opportunities in business or industry. Computer science ranks as one of the top bachelor's degrees in terms of starting pay 和 number of jobs that are available (for example, 被普林斯顿评论评为第一名).

Major employers of computer science graduates include the federal, bc菠菜导航, 和 local governments; 和 private sector employers such as the airline industry, 科技行业, 制药行业, 研究及测试服务, 教育服务, 证券及商品交易所, 管理及公共关系服务, 金融, 保险, 公共事业. Our Computer Science alumni have gone on to work at large organizations such as the National Security Agency, 华特迪士尼, 谷歌, 劳斯莱斯, 自由相互, 和 Hewlett-Packard—和 at smaller organizations such as the City of Terre Haute, 凝结的女孩, ISU, 还有一些地区的创业公司.

学生 graduating with a degree 在计算机科学领域 are well-positioned to obtain positions in computing 和 related areas, including positions with job titles such as software engineer, 数据库程序员/开发人员/管理员, web程序员/开发人员/管理员, 系统管理员, 网络管理员, 手机应用开发者.

除了, graduates can pursue graduate 程序s 在计算机科学领域. 的 department offers a master's degree 在计算机科学领域, after which students can obtain more senior positions in computing or careers in research or academia. 那些有兴趣攻读博士学位的人.D. after studying at 印第安纳州 University have been admitted with support at universities across the country, 包括亚利桑那大学, 埃默里大学, 加州大学默塞德和河滨分校, 以及德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校.

金融援助 & 奖学金

学生有很多的来源 金融支持 为了他们的学习, 包括经济援助, 勤工俭学, 退伍军人的福利, 和 special scholarships for entering freshmen 和 transfer students.



(812) 237-2345


的 研究生目录 和 本科目录 of 印第安纳州 University are the documents of authority for all students. 的 requirements given in the catalogs supersede information issued by any academic department, 程序, 大学, 或学校. 的 University reserves the right to change the requirements at any time.